Thursday, November 29, 2018

The Right to Starve

Kentucky, making Dickens non-fiction.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

It Already Happened Here

See the short documentary hosted by the Atlantic about the German American Bund rally at Madison Square Garden in 1939. Notice the image of George Washington flanked by swastikas as the backdrop on the stage.

Lest we forget, both Henry Ford and Henry Luce (the founder of Time and Life) were both great fans of Hitler in the 30s.

Go with the Flow

This afternoon's soundtrack is jazz inflected j-pop from School Food Punishment. Yet another group (like The Housemartins) I found out about after they broke up. I may be counting it wrong, but I think that parts of "Flow" are in 5.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Prelude No. 2, Kjell Marcussen

What I'm listening to today:

Score for this and the other eleven preludes in the set is here.


... of a tenuous, minor, sort. I'm mentioned in a footnote in Seth Michael Perlow's doctoral dissertation:
70 I am grateful to Charles O. Hartman for his email correspondence about DIASTEXT and to Ron Starr for making an online engine for diastic reading, along with a description of the process, which have disappeared since the time of writing. Hartman discusses his programs for computer poetry in Virtual Muse (1996).