Thursday, May 26, 2016


Extended and interesting discussion of syllabic poetry in Poetry Daily's Prose Feature this week. I had always heard it dismissed as being inconsistent with the accentual structure of English. And any successes with it attributed to accident. But the article points to many more examples than Marianne Moore. And it's interesting to see it as a route several poets followed to get to free verse.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Thank You, Mike Leach

A big shout-out to Mike Leach, Washington State University head coach, who gave personal testimony in Lynden on May 7 about the tragic effects of concussions in collegiate football.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

In C

There are lots of versions of Terry Riley's In C. Earlier this week I was listening to the Bang on a Can recording. But tonight I found my favorite, recorded in Mali, using Western and African instruments. It's on Spotify, if you subscribe, and on YouTube.

My introduction to Riley's music was A Rainbow in Curved Air whose title delights me.